Sunday, November 7, 2010

PETA's Human Meat Packages

I came across this PETA ad online and I was really shocked by the image. Even though PETA is known for outrageous campaigns, this one really stood out to me. PETA got three volunteers to lay almost naked in giant wrapped meat trays covered in blood in the middle of New York's Time Square. This was done to demonstrate that all animals are made from flesh and blood as well. They're trying to compare eating meat to cannibalism to try to persuade people to become vegetarians.

This ad uses attention and prominence combined with shock to get their message across (even though the volunteers are almost naked with minimal clothing on, they are not trying to use sex to sell in this particular ad). Attention and prominence appeals in advertising are specially designed to grab a viewers/readers attention by a variety of ways. I believe that this ad is an example of those advertising appeals because they are not trying to sell a product but a lifestyle. By comparing humans to the regular meat on the shelf we find at the grocery store, this ad targets an emotional appeal as well. The image itself has to be able to quickly grab the attention of the by passers in New York to be effective.

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