Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social Learning Theory

Although many argue that we as a society is above the influence of mass media, I believe that we are being told how we should be living our lives, how to act, and how to be subconsciously as described by the social learning theory

The social learning theory is a theory that explains the reactions and outcomes that we get from mass media. We react a certain way and have certain attitudes from what we see and hear on television or in movies. Basically, consumers of mass media "model or imitate attitudes and behaviors observed in the media" (9/13/10 in class lecture). Our idea of who we should be and what role we should be playing in society is already previously determined by the mass media we see and hear everyday. 

This theory was evident when we watched "Tough Guise". The speaker in "Tough Guise" exposed why young men in our current day society are acting tough and participating in violent activity. It surprised me when they showed the example of how G.I Joe has grown bigger and more muscular, more manly, over time. That is a prime example of the social learning theory because that is teaching the young men in our society that if they want to be treated like a man, they have to act like one. They have to put up this front in order for others to take them seriously as a man, otherwise they would get picked on and beaten up. 

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